Six Types of Real Estate Homes

  <p> When considering busying real  <a href="" alt="เช่าคอนโด พร้อมพงษ์">เช่าคอนโด พร้อมพงษ์</a></li> estate, price is the most important factor. However, you must also have a clear idea about the type of house your family needs. Here are six of the most common types of homes that can be considered when making a purchase decision. </p><p> 1. Single Detached House </p><p> As the name suggests, this is a house that stands apart and has its four walls not attached to any other house. In other terms, it would have open land around it. At the basic level, even a mansion, bungalow and cottage could be called a single detached if it doesn't have any building touching it. </p><p> 2. Row House </p><p> These are modern types of cluster-houses in an area with same architectural design. They are built side by side with a common wall. Usually, they are not as costly as single detached homes. </p><p> 3. Classic Cottage </p><p> A classic cottage features higher eaves-front wall for fixing smaller windows into the upstairs knee wall. They have relatively shallower roofs, and the chimneys could be either at an end or in the middle. Usually, windows have double hung sash and the main entry is at the center. They were developed on Cape Cod homes after builders realized that smaller modifications could create more working space in the upper floor. </p><p> 4. Duplex </p><p> A duplex is basically a two-fold condominium or apartment with different entrances for the living space. They are commonly found in two-story format with a common wall separating the two portions of the building. It is possible to extend the building into three or more units. Interestingly, this type of real estate is also known as a semi-detached house. </p><p> 5. Mansion </p><p> If you don't have any limitation with regard to budget, one of the best types of real estate could be a mansion. As a general standard, they have an average area of around 8,000 sq.ft. Mansions feature many bedrooms and a large ballroom. However, modern mansions don't have any specific requirement to be called so. All they need to be is to be large in size. </p><p> 6. Villa </p><p> A villa may be a traditional upper class country house during the period of the ancient Romans, but today you could find some stunning villas in the real estate market. In the modern sense, it is an elegant and classy upper class country house.  Similar to mansions, they feature larger area and refer to the homes of the more privileged. They typically feature landscape gardens and even the countryside. </p><p> These are some of the leading real estate houses you could come across during your search. Now that you know the features of each one, it would become easier to make the right choice. As already mentioned, go ahead with the choice only after determining your budget. It would be ideal to get the help of a reliable agent who would be able to find better deals based on your requirements. </p>