Do You Want to Build Your Home? Read This First!

  <p> Let's say you are grown man now, you have a family, a dream career, but one thing is missing, and that is a roof over your head. So, you take your courage and decide you want to take a stept forward and build a home for you and your family, because you're sick of staying at your parents or rented apartments. But before pouring the foundation, you must think of what you need and what to do to achieve such a great thing. In my opinion, and many other's, building a home is maybe the biggest success of a lifetime. Of course there are many rich people who have a good wealth, many lands, many houses, but I am talking about ordinary people, like me. </p><p> So, let's see how you deal with the money problem. First of all you have to analyze how much you can afford to spend on your new construction. You may need a loan from bank, or talk to a mortgage company, in order to get the needed money. It is better to know your approximate cost from the beginning, for the designer to build the plans meeting your budget. After you have the money, you should buy a lot. Make sure you find a good place, near to markets, schools, public transportation, but in a quiet and peaceful zone. </p><p> Now you are eager to dream of how your house will look. I know everyone dreams of their houses, I do too. The next step is designing the plans. I bet you have some ideas, in fact, I know you can imagine the whole picture of your house, you close your eyes and you are walking through it. But nowadays, it can be done. You can actually see your house before you even start the construction. There are many specialized 3D program, that turn the plans into very realistic 3D perspectives, you can even walk around and through the house. But in order to do that, you need the plans. And for that you need an architect. </p><p> Find a good architect, call him or go to him, explain him how should your house look like, and then he turn these ideas into something great. For an architect, this is like an art, he see all the details, the style..  <a href="" alt="ตึกแถว รัชดา"> ตึกแถว รัชดา</a> and then he puts it into paper or into specialized CAD computer programs. </p><p> But there is another way to find a good design for your house. There are many specialized catalogs with all kind of plans. You can search and choose one from there, but you still have to go to an architect in order to complete the project. He may suggest minor modification to your chosen plan, like window style, the roof, etc. </p><p> After the architect finishes the project, you have to find a building team, or you can do it yourself and a couple of men, if you have some building skills. Don't forget to negotiate contracts with both the builder and the architect. The contract will describe the detailed project, and include a listing of all the parts to be included in the house. </p>