Custom Built Homes Underground - Pros and Cons

  <p> When mentioning building an underground home many people do not like the idea but this is not a new idea. In times past settlers live in underground homes called soddys but today's underground homes are much more modern. Once you look at the pros and cons, you may find yourself changing your mind and considering custom built homes underground. There are several types of underground homes, which include: </p><p> • Artificial dugouts/cave houses-these are built by drilling a cavity into the earth • Culver -these are made of concrete pipes, which are prefabricated, before they are placed into an excavated pit. • Earth berm-this underground home are covered from three sides by earth being placed on them • Elevational-this type is built on the side of a hill. </p><p> Pros of custom built homes underground </p><p> • An underground home has the potential to tap into the Earth's cooling and heating power so you do not need artificial cooling or heating techniques. • Gives you a safe refuge from extreme weather conditions like tornados, hailstorms, or hurricanes • The home has a nice quite living space with privacy due to the natural soundproofing from the Earth that surrounds it. • Soil is a natural insulator so it will be cool in the summer and warm in the winter. • The energy costs can be reduced because of the constant temperature of the home. It can cost 80-95% less to cool and heat. • They are environmentally friendly • It gives you a feeling of being close to nature. • Very fireproof since 90% is made from concrete • Well protected from earthquakes • Construction is faster and the costs to built it are reduce since you do not have to lay a foundation • Easier to get insurance at a cheaper rate • Requires little to no exterior maintenance • The custom built homes underground are built from strong materials like concrete making them durable and strong. • Due to fewer openings into the home it offers less opportunities for insects to enter • Safer from thieves and robbers because there is only one side to protect  <a href="" alt="คอนโด จตุจักร">คอนโด จตุจักร</a> </p><p> Cons of custom built homes underground </p><p> • May be a psychological adjustment when moving from an aboveground to an underground home • Require careful planning because they are unconventional • They cannot be built in an area that is flood-prone. • You may have trouble selling them if you decide to relocate • It is a challenge to fit square appliances and furniture that was designed for straight walls • Construction requires complex ventilation procedures • It can be a challenge to get a mortgage to have custom built homes underground constructed • They can be quite dark inside since they are underground </p>