How Should I Buy a House?

  <p> I never realized that I would come to a point where I will be thinking of buying a house since I am so used to renting a space since college. I always thought that renting advantages outweigh those of buying a house. Aside from the fact that it would give you fixed costs for the term of the lease, renting will give you generally less work than in maintaining a house, which is the main  <a href="" alt="ทาวน์เฮ้าส์ รัชดา">ทาวน์เฮ้าส์ รัชดา</a> reason I prefer renting. But if you come to think of it and if you're thinking long term benefits, buying a house is way better than renting. Aside from giving you tax advantages, equity kicks in when the mortgage balance decreases, over time, even if the value of the home does not increase. </p><p> So here I am gathering information and what not, about buying a house. First, I am thinking of what type of house I can afford. I may be able to afford a house worth about three times my total annual income. With this, I may be able find a house that fits my current status as a single, maybe a room twice as large as my current rented space and a big yard. And from that, I will be calculating how much will my monthly payments be. Second, I will be in need of an 'up-front' cash. And where will I get it? Maybe getting a loan from a bank will be of great help. I am pretty much confident that I can get through the finances since I have a stable job, minimal and manageable debts and a good credit history. </p><p> What I am looking into is more on how to buy and find a house - the details about it. I want to find a house where I will not be having any issues show up before buying it. A friend told me I should get a real estate agent. In this way, I will know what houses are available that match my needs - where I want to live, what type of house I will buy and how much I will be able to offer. The real estate agent will also be able to provide me any house disclosure from the seller. And the most important thing I think before I can get into the deal is to have the house inspected by a professional land surveyor. They can determine the boundaries which would ensure that the plot of land I wish to buy is actually what I am buying. Land surveyors can tell you if your fences, pools, or backyards or even trees actually are still on your property. These land surveyors and their land surveying services are offered locally. So there should be no problem contacting them in the near future. And if the survey results in a problem not listed on the disclosure, which will cost a lot of fix, we can agree if the seller needs to fix the problems before the sale or can lower the price. </p><p> I hope I am able to get through this experience and cannot wait to show you some first photos of my new house. </p>