Reasons to Choose Buying a House Over Renting

  <p> There are many attractions that come with buying a house that you will not enjoy while in a rental house. Part of these attractions is financial freedom, since you will not have to worry about dodgy landlords who may refuse to return your money when you want to move. When you buy a house, you make it your own and therefore you can be able to customize it the way you want. For instance, you can paint the walls using whichever color you want. Some of these things cannot be done while in a rental house unless the owner of the house allows you to do so. </p><p> Though mortgage payments may take long to finish, there will be an end to them and you will enjoy the rest of the years without having to pay rent. You can compare paying off for a mortgage to saving for pension. In the event that the rent is 800 dollars a month, paying off a mortgage is just the same as saving the cost you will have incurred if you rented the house. The life expectancy is rising meaning that people are living longer, and therefore you will benefit a lot from paying the mortgage. </p><p> When you own a home, you have a feeling of security. This is because you will not feel the effects of inflation when in your own house. In a rental house, inflation can cause the cost of rent to shoot up and you will have to pay anyway. With a home that you own, it is only you who has the keys to it and no one will come locking it for you like it is for people in rental houses when they default payments. </p><p> You will also benefit from the leverage that comes with buying a house. For instance, it is possible to buy a house with as little as five percent down payment.  <a href="" alt="อาคารพาณิชย์ ดินแดง"> อาคารพาณิชย์ ดินแดง</a> This is something that cannot happen easily with many other investments. In the event that the house appreciates by five percent in one year, then your equity on the house will have increased by 100%. But you may also be affected negatively if in one year the house depreciate by 5%. </p><p> Being a homeowner makes you have a sense of pride. Owning a home is one of the biggest achievements a person can have in life and therefore if you have one you will definitely feel good about it. You will also have better credit opportunity if you own a home. This means that it will be easier for you to apply and get other loans. You can establish equity as time goes by and later on borrow against that equity. Many credit card companies favor people who own homes. </p><p> There is also a tax advantage that comes with being a home owner. As per your situation, part of or all of your real estate tax as well as interest on your mortgage can be deducted from your income tax. </p>