How Land Is Prepared For Home Construction

  <p> Have you ever wondered what has to go into making a site ready for a house to be built on it? There's a lot of prep work that goes into ensuring the property will be appropriately graded and suitable for your new house. </p><p> Once you have found the perfect place to build your house, the construction company will start by clearing the land. Any trees or shrubs will have to be removed if they fall inside the site plan for the house. There are times you can design the house around  <a href="" alt="ทาวน์เฮ้าส์มือสอง ดินแดง">ทาวน์เฮ้าส์มือสอง ดินแดง</a> an existing plant, if for instance you have a historic tree in your yard. For any plant that is removed, there is some more work involved than just felling a tree or cutting a plant back. All of the roots will have to be extracted, so there may be some digging involved. </p><p> Before taking down a tree, think about how much shade it can offer. This can really mean a big reduction in cooling costs during the summer. Plus, trees help pull pollutants out of the air and add oxygen back. They serve as places for animals and birds to nest and raise their young. This can be really fun to watch in the spring. </p><p> Once the site has been cleared, the contractor will have to come out to compact and level the ground. This may involve scooping up soil in one place and moving it to another part of the property. Any soil that can be relocated will save you the haulaway fees. The contractor will then create the foundation trenches on which to put the house. There may be a need for some extra dirt to be brought in if the ground is not as solid as it should be. Some heavy machinery will be deployed to firm up the ground and dig the trenches. </p><p> Next it's time to set up the stakes that will indicate the location of the corners of the house. They'll do this so the concrete pouring team will know where the footings are to go. It's important to find out the topography of the land, in case your house has to be stepped up into the hillside. Your contractor may also go ahead and have your driveway poured while the concrete truck is there. </p><p> Utilities come next. You'll see the contractor lay the lines for electricity, water, natural gas, and sewer. If there isn't any sewer connectivity in the area, you'll see them dig a space for the septic tank. </p><p> If the plans call for a basement, this will be dug out and smoothed off. This will be the time to make sure that there aren't any drainage issues. The last thing you'll want is a wet basement that is always leaking. </p><p> Should you decide to have your home built on a hillside, the contractor may be doing some erosion control on the property, so you don't end up unintentionally meeting your neighbors. </p><p> While there is a lot of prep work that goes into getting the land ready for a house, attention to detail and some good planning will make it all smooth and successful. </p>