Revisiting Housing Ideas

  <p> Before the housing crisis hit, cities across the country were working diligently to increase the number of housing units available to low-income residents. Post-crisis, many cities re-doubled their efforts. Despite that, affordable housing availability has dropped sharply in the U.S. Some cities are revisiting possible solutions that they dismissed as unnecessary just a few years ago. </p><p> Back in 2008, the Columbia, Missouri City Council received a formal report on the city's affordable housing. Generated by the Affordable Housing Policy Committee, it contained not only an assessment of housing availability, but also policy and development suggestions. Back then the Housing Committee recommended that the city commit to developing 400 new low-income housing units every year. That suggestion was never acted on, and now the affordable housing need is worse than ever. Earlier this year, the city's community development director said he believes it is time to enact some of the report's provisions. </p><p> Tim Teddy spoke to council members last Tuesday about the report and told them the housing picture in Columbia has worsened in the last three years. While conducting his own update, he found there are nearly 800 names on the city's waiting list for rent vouchers and nearly 300 residents waiting for public housing. </p><p> When the Committee submitted it's report in 2008, it defined "affordable housing" as mortgages and utilities costing less than 38 percent of a family's income, or rent costing 30 percent or less. Some of the actions Teddy wants to put in place to try and fill more of the affordable housing need include changing zoning laws to allow for "tandem housing" construction on single lots and allowing homeowners to offer rental apartments in their homes or on their properties.  <a href="" alt="เช่าคอนโด กรุงเทพ">เช่าคอนโด กรุงเทพ</a> In addition, Teddy believes that the position of Housing Planner, which is currently a temporary two-year position, should be made permanent so that there is a person dedicated to strategizing and implementing housing development plans. </p><p> Council member Fred Schmidt agreed with Teddy's assessment and suggested that the council also collaborate with affordable housing developers to create or alter regulations that would make housing construction easier and more cost effective. The moves are not uncommon. Other cities, faced with similar housing shortages, are desperately looking for creative solutions. </p><p> While it's true that the housing market has been flooded with foreclosures, many of them are unlivable. Foreclosed and abandoned homes are rarely maintained, and some are stripped of appliances and even copper wiring. Consequently, available housing hasn't increased just because there are properties on the market. </p>