You Found Your DREAM Home - Now What?

  <p>  <strong> Making an Offer to Dream House </strong>  </p><p> It's got the perfect kitchen, just the right amount of space, and most of all it just feels like home: when you've found the home that's right for you you'll know it and the idea of someone else having it seems unbearable. Well you'd better put in an offer then, don't you think? Here are some things to consider when you're ready to go after your new home: </p><p>   <a href="" alt="ทาวน์เฮ้าส์ ลาดพร้าว">ทาวน์เฮ้าส์ ลาดพร้าว</a> <strong> The Deposit </strong>  </p><p> The deposit is not to be confused with the down payment of your mortgage. The deposit is an unspecified amount of money you as the buyer put forth when you make an offer on a property to let the seller know that you're serious about following through with the deal. If you decide to back out of the deal, for whatever reason, the seller gets to keep your deposit but if and when the deal goes through that deposit will go into paying for the property. The exact amount of the deposit is negotiable and your real estate agent will help you find an appropriate amount but obviously a higher deposit shows the seller that you mean business and it might just be enough to win their favour if they're considering multiple offers. </p><p>  <strong> Know What's Included in the Deal </strong>  </p><p> You might assume that the offer you've made on a house included some of the items in the house such as the chandelier and hardware. While most of these non-movable items, known as fixtures, are usually left in the house there's nothing saying they'll be there when you go to move in unless you've made sure to negotiate it into your deal. You can also negotiate chatells into your offer. Chattels are the movable items that aren't really considered part of the home such as appliances or furniture. Take the time to work out the details of what you want to stay in the home and don't make assumptions or you could be in for a disappointment when you turn the key as the new owner. </p><p>  <strong> The Big Day </strong>  </p><p> You and the seller have negotiated the deal through your real estate agents, your mortgage and mortgage rate are secured, and you've made it to closing day. This is the day you've been waiting for and you're so close to becoming a homeowner. On closing day you (the buyer) and the seller will need to sign off that all legal and financial agreements have been met. If you're both satisfied, the deal will be closed and you'll have a new place to call home! </p>